CB 1:1: - 4 Month Survey - Mentor

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey! Your answers will help us understand more about mentoring relationships and assist us in improving future programming.

Please remember that there are no right or wrong answers; this is not a test. We would just like to know how you are doing; so please feel free to be honest. Any information you provide to us, in connection with this evaluation, will remain confidential. We value your privacy and we will never share your name or individual answers with anyone. We will combine all survey responses together to find overall trends and suggestions for improving our program.

The survey will take approximately 4 minutes to complete.

Please select the name of your Caseworker(Required)
PoorSomewhat PositivePositiveVery Positive
My relationship with my Mentee is:
My experience with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel York is:
Not YetRarelySometimesOftenAlmost Constant
Express Care: How often do you show your Mentee that they matter to you?
Challenge Growth: How often do you encourage your Mentee to be their best?
Provide Support: How often do you help your Mentee get things done?
Share Power: How often do you listen to your Mentee's ideas and take them seriously?
Expand Possibilities: How often do you connect your Mentee with new people, places or ideas?
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
At this point in your match, do you feel you are:(Required)
The beginning of a match can be awkward. Have you experienced any of the following common issues? (Please check all that apply).(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.