Apply now to support young people in your community during these challenging times.
Virtual Mentors are required to complete the same application process as in person mentors. Applicants are asked to be open to transitioning to in person mentoring once our Big Brothers Big Sisters programs covert back to our traditional programs in the community and in schools.
Full program descriptions for our in person mentoring programs are located on our website under WHAT WE DO/OUR PROGRAMS. Click on the link below to go to our programs page to see a full description for each program. Click on the VOLUNTEER button on any of these descriptions to fill out our online application or download your application and email to Please note that program descriptions will vary from the information provided online as they are now virtual. Current program details will be provided to you once your application is received. If you have specific program questions please email
What does being a virtual mentor look like? Here’s how Big and Little Brother Ray and Jeremy are connecting virtually!