BBBSPY is excited to present Big Possibilities!
This newly re-designed program is made especially for teens and includes information that is particularly relevant to them.
Big Possibilities is a “mini-series mentoring program” that includes in-person and virtual mentoring opportunities throughout the year. Youth will help decide on the content by letting us know what is relevant to them, while Staff, Mentors, and partners will come together to provide unique opportunities to engage with their community and explore career and educational pathways.
Once registered, your child will be sent information on all upcoming events and mini-series’. They will have the ability to choose which topics and sessions they would like to attend. Examples of topics include preparing for post-secondary education, gaining employment, financial literacy, and mental wellness. All sessions will provide teens with important learning and mentorship opportunities. Some sessions and events will earn your child volunteer hours.
To sign your child up for the Big Possibilities program, please complete the short online form below.
Big Possibilities Registration Form
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