CB 1:1: - Closure Survey - Mentor

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! There are no right or wrong answers, so please be honest. It will help us strengthen our program and provide data to demonstrate the effects of mentoring on children and youth. All the data from this survey will be kept anonymous. Any information you provide to us, in connection with this evaluation, will remain confidential. We value your privacy and we will never share your name or individual answers with anyone. We will combine all survey responses together to find overall trends and suggestions for improving our program.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Please select the name of your Caseworker(Required)
How many years were you matched with your Mentee?(Required)
Reason for match closure:(Required)

DissatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied
Not At All EffectiveSomewhat EffectiveEffectiveVery Effective
Did you receive adequate support from your Caseworker and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel York(Required)
Not EnoughJustifiedToo Much
Provided adequate information about my Mentee
Mentor training
On-going match support
Networking with other volunteers
Did you have a special last outing with your Mentee?(Required)
We are interested in your perceptions of impact on your Mentee in the following areas as a result of your mentoring relationship. Please check one response for each item.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree
Improved self-esteem and self confidence
Opportunities to develop skills and experiences in our community
Increased sense of happiness and hope in the future
More positive attitude towards school
Improved communication and social skills
Improved relationships with peers
Improved relationships with family
Increased ability to make positive choices and decisions
What was hard about having a Mentee? What didn't work?(Required)

Would you like to be re-matched?(Required)
If 'Yes', which program would you like to be involved in?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.