Conversation Club and Newcomer Art Program – Mentor Wrap-Up Survey Conversation Club & Newcomer Art Program - Mentor Wrap-Up Survey Thank you for the commitment you made to the youth in your program! Please provide your honest feedback so we can continue to improve our services for Mentees and Mentors. Name(Required) First Last School/Site Name(Required) Please select the name of the program(Required) Conversation Club Newcomer Art Program Other Please select the name of your Caseworker(Required) Harkiran Bhogal Jeffrey Saah Joanna Pereira Sosun Mubbashar Last day of program(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY I have been a volunteer in the program for: Under 6 months Over 6 months What did you enjoy most about the program or group of Mentees? Please explain.(Required)Was there anything challenging about the program or group of Mentees? Please explain.(Required)Did you miss any session of your program?(Required) Yes No If you responded 'Yes' to the previous question, please indicate why you miss sessions in your program.(Required)Was there a time any Mentees felt uncomfortable during the program? Please explain.(Required)In your experience, how did the program make a difference for the newcomer Mentees in your program:(Required)Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeMentees feel comfortable engaging in English conversationMentees are learning new information about Canada (schools, communities and resources)Mentees are making new connections with other newcomers in the programMentees are making connections with their MentorsPlease describe how you supported the newcomer Mentees in the program.(Required)During the program, did you feel supported by the school and the School Liaison?(Required) Yes No If you responded 'No' to the previous question, please indicate what could have been done to help you feel more supported by the school and the School Liaison.(Required)During the program, did you feel supported by the Agency and your Caseworker?(Required) Yes No If you responded 'No' to the previous question, please indicate what could have been done to help you feel more supported by the Agency and your Caseworker.(Required)Have you ever had contact with the Mentees outside of program? (I.e.: through social media, telephone, email, etc.)(Required) Yes No If you responded 'Yes' to the previous question, please explain when and why you had contact with the Mentees outside of the program.(Required)Are you enjoying volunteering as a Mentor?(Required) Yes No What is one accomplishment or success you can take away from this experience?(Required)Do you have any suggestions for improving the program?(Required)Can you give us some ideas for workshops or activities that you think would be beneficial to newcomer Mentees in the program.(Required)Is there anything else that you would like to share or discuss?(Required)CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn