$100 provides a healthy snack for ten youth for seven weeks who are participating in our Go Girls or Game On program
$200 will provide bus tickets for a newcomer youth to attend the Conversational Club program at a local settlement Agency for the school year
$350 will enroll a middle school boy or girl in the Go Girls or Game On program for seven weeks in their school

![Lorane_April_flowers01[1] (2)](https://peelyork.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/160/2017/08/Lorane_April_flowers011-2-1024x682.jpg)

$150 provides a craft, cooking or swimming outline for ten youth in our Group Mentoring program
$250 provides training for ten secondary school students, who are volunteering as mentors to younger students, for a school year in the Teen Mentoring Program.
$1,000 provides the opportunity for a youth to be matched with a Big Brother or Big Sister for one year to provide guidance and friendship
