Group Mentoring/BOC/BYM: Mentor Check-In 2 Group Mentoring/BOC/BYM: Mentor Check-In 2 Name(Required) First Last Please select the name of your Caseworker.(Required) Kyrel Thompson Michael Donia Raheem Hurry Tyler Dunlop Please select the name of the group program you are currently mentoring in.(Required) Bigs on Campus Black Youth Mentoring Group Mentoring Which post-secondary institution are you mentoring at?(Required) Sheridan College University of Toronto Mississauga What new activities have your Mentees enjoyed since returning from break?(Required)How comfortable are you leading individual sessions with your Mentees and modifying them as needed?(Required)Have you had any challenges following through on your commitment?(Required) Yes No If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, what have the challenges been?(Required)Has the Mentees' attendance been consistent?(Required) Yes No Do you feel you are continuing to build a connection with the Mentees in your individual group?(Required) Yes No Maybe If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, please describe the connection you have developed with the Mentees. You can speak to the connection you have developed with a specific Mentee or the connection you have to the Mentees in general.(Required)If you answered 'No' to the previous question, please explain.(Required)If you answered 'Maybe' to the previous question, please explain.(Required)Have you noticed positive changes in your Mentees? Please provide an example.(Required)One of the goals of this program is to provide a safe space for participants to discuss and explore their cultural identity. Do you think that this safe space is being created within the group? How or how not?(Required)Please describe the group dynamics. This includes the dynamics between the Mentors and Mentees, the Mentees with one another, and the Mentors with one another.(Required)Have there been any concerns for safety or has safety been compromised during the group sessions?(Required) Yes No If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, please explain.(Required)How intentional are you about these actions with your Mentees. Please be as honest as possible.(Required)Almost ConstantOftenSometimesRarelyNot YetI show my Mentees that they can trust me, that they are valued, and that they matterI help build my Mentees self-confidenceI take my Mentees ideas and opinions seriouslyI inspire my Mentees to see their future potentialDo you continue to feel supported by the agency? Could anything be done differently?(Required)Do you continue to feel supported by the post-secondary institution and the agency? Could anything be done differently?(Required)Do your Mentees test boundaries?(Required) Yes No If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, please explain.(Required)Are your expectations as a Mentor continuing to be met? How or how not?(Required)Are you anticipating any changes in your schedule over the remaining group year?(Required) Yes No If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, please explain the changes you are anticipating to your schedule.(Required)Do you have any additional comments or questions that you would like to share? If so, please share below.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn