JOIN THE BIG AMBASSADOR TEAM! BIG Ambassador Intake Form Thank you so much for coming on board our BIG Ambassador team! Please complete the short intake form below. Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)City You Live In(Required)To help us find local opportunities City You Work/Attend School InIf applicable Emergency Contact InformationName(Required) First Last Relation Phone(Required)Email(Required) AvailabilityThe questions below will help us determine your general availability. We understand individual availability may vary depending on many factors. We will never hold you to the information shared in this form, it is just a starting point to help us determine the coverage of our BIG Ambassador team.Please select your typical availability(Required)Please check all that apply, even if it may not be consistent. Weekday Daytime Weekday Evenings Weekends Select AllPlease share any additional availability information hereThis may include details about shift work, locations you are or are not willing to travel to, etc. Big Ambassador Commitments(Required)As a member of the BIG Ambassador team I understand I am representing BBBSPY and will conduct myself in a professional, approachable and courteous manner. BBBSPY is committed to creating an inclusive environment where all members of the community feel safe and respected. The diversity of Peel and York Regions are reflected and represented by the children, youth, and families we serve, our volunteers, and Agency Staff. This includes ethno-cultural backgrounds, socio-economic status, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, ability, and family dynamic. BBBSPY is committed to providing programs and services that are accessible and responsive to diverse groups and unique individual needs. As a member of the BIG Ambassador team I understand BBBSPY’s Equity and Diversity policy and will represent the agency in an inclusive manner. I have read and agree to uphold the commitments outlined above. Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn