Knowledge Check – Module 1 Developmental Relationship Knowledge Check – Module 1 Step 1 of 7 14% Name(Required) First Last Search Institute’s working definition of Developmental Relationships identifies three primary outcomes for youth, which include:(Required) Their identity, their agency, and their care for community Their identity, the support system, and their education Their peer relationships, their education, and their care for community Correct! Through Developmental Relationships, young people can discover who they are, gain abilities to shape their own lives, and learn how to engage with and contribute to the world around them. Not quite. Remember, through Developmental Relationships, young people can discover who they are, gain abilities to shape their own lives, and learn how to engage with and contribute to the world around them. With that in mind, try again. A Mentor isn’t the only relationship a young person will have, but they are part of the young person’s success village.(Required) True False Correct! The Mentee should have many relationships with positive, supportive adults who will all contribute to being a part of the Mentee’s success village.Remember the adage, It Takes a Village to Raise a Child? Young people thrive when they have a network of people looking out for their best interest and supporting them along the way. Try this one again. Which element of Developmental Relationships does this quote best describe? “My Mentor helped me figure out how to advocate for myself and get what I needed."(Required) Express Care Challenge Growth Provide Support Share Power Expand Possibilities Correct! The Mentor supported their Mentee as they figured out how to advocate for themselves. Some may feel that this is also a good example of “Share Power”, and while those elements often show up in combination, this answer is an example of letting a young person lead through self-advocacy.That’s a critical element of a Developmental Relationship, but it doesn’t best describe this quote. Try this one again. Which element of Developmental Relationships does this quote best describe? “My Mentor motivates me to do my best and let me know it’s okay to make mistakes.”(Required) Express Care Challenge Growth Provide Support Share Power Expand Possibilities Correct! The Mentor is expecting the best from their Mentee so that they can live up to their potential.That’s a critical element of a Developmental Relationship, but it doesn’t best describe this quote. Try this one again. Which element of Developmental Relationships does this quote best describe? "I work at a large company with people in many different fields, so I’ve been able to get my Mentee some contacts through my coworkers.”(Required) Express Care Challenge Growth Provide Support Share Power Expand Possibilities Correct! The Mentor is connecting the Mentee to different individuals to broaden their horizons and connect them with people who will help them grow.That’s a critical element of a Developmental Relationship, but it doesn’t best describe this quote. Try this one again. Which element of Developmental Relationships does this quote best describe? “My Mentor listens to me and asks good questions to make me comfortable talking to him.”(Required) Express Care Challenge Growth Provide Support Share Power Expand Possibilities Correct! The Mentor listens to their Mentee helping them feel comfortable and important.That’s a critical element of a Developmental Relationship, but it doesn’t best describe this quote. Try this one again. Which element of Developmental Relationships does this quote best describe? “At first our Mentors were there to get us going and show us how to do stuff, but then, they stepped back and let us take over.”(Required) Express Care Challenge Growth Provide Support Share Power Expand Possibilities Correct! The Mentors allowed the Mentees to lead by creating opportunities for them to take action and lead the way. That’s a critical element of a Developmental Relationship, but it doesn’t best describe this quote. Try this one again. Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn