Reference: Mentor Rescreening Reference Form

Mentor's Name(Required)

Please provide one of the following references. Vulnerable Sector references are required if you have additional experience working/volunteering with a vulnerable population outside of BBBSPY in the last 3 years. If not, please provide one of the other references below.

Vulnerable Sector Reference

To be provided if you have volunteered/worked with vulnerable persons (other than BBBSPY) in the past 3 years. This may include: children/youth under the age of 18, the elderly, and/or those with disabilities. If there have been no other experiences other than BBBSPY, please provide ONE of the references below. Must be 18+.

Family Reference

Examples include parent/guardian, sibling, aunt, etc. Must have known you for at least 2 years and be 18+

Personal Reference

Examples include a friend, family friend, coworker, etc. Must have known you for at least 2 years and be 18+

Significant Other Reference

Any current relationship lasting 3 months or longer and/or a cohabiting relationship of any length of time must be noted here.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.