Staff Feedback Survey

Please take a few minutes to help us understand the impact the last professional development session had on your personal role within the agency.
You are encouraged to be honest. Your input is essential in ensuring we continue offering meaningful learning opportunities that address the needs of our staff and service users.
Describe your level of knowledge about the topic prior to attending this session.(Required)
How much would you say your knowledge changed due to this session?(Required)
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the session.(Required)
Considering your prior knowledge of the topic, would you say the content was:(Required)

How do you plan to use the knowledge, concepts, and skills learned in this session?(Required)
Please select all that apply.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey and for your attendance at our last professional development session. Creating a workplace culture of lifelong learners will ensure we continue serving children and youth as effectively as possible.
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