Staff Form: Agency Service Plan – Team Progress 2024

Please outline the progress made by your team in 2024 towards the strategic priorities and goals listed below. Some initiatives may align with multiple goals, so feel free to add them in all relevant sections. Use the “Other” row to highlight additional successes and progress made towards the goals that may not be directly captured by the specific strategies mentioned.

Step 1 of 2

GOAL 1: RESPONSIVE PROGRAMMING – Enhance programming to expand impact and ensure diverse populations and critical needs are being met

Strategy 1:Understanding the emerging needs of youth in our communities

Ex. How have you adjusted your approach depending on the unique needs of each child/group? How did you know you needed to do that?

Strategy 2: Conducting thorough program evaluations and using data to inform innovation

Ex. How do you conduct your program evaluations and match support to enhance programming? What do you do with the information you collect? Coaching for Mentors? Updating training?

Strategy 3: Strengthening EDI practices

Ex. Planning group activities in locations that are neutral, and won’t illicit negative or exclusionary feelings for some participants, using inclusive language in your conversations and forms, conducting match support from a trauma-informed lens, give examples.


Anything else your team has done to help make our services more responsive and adaptive to the community we serve?