Teen Mentoring: Mentee MM2 Teen Mentoring: Mentee MM2 Mentee's Name(Required) First Last Mentor's Name(Required) Please select your Caseworker's name(Required) Jeffrey Saah Natalie Brammah What activities have you enjoyed doing with your Mentor? Please select all that apply.(Required) Board games and cards Talking Arts and crafts Team/competitive games Whole group activities Sports Holiday activity Other If you selected 'Other', please list the activities you did with your Mentor that you enjoyed.(Required)Do you look forward to coming to Teen Mentoring each week?(Required) Never Sometimes Most of the time Always On a scale from 1-10, how would you describe your friendship with your Mentor?(Required)(1 = Not Good, 5 = Okay, 10 = Awesome!)12345678910What do you like about being with your Mentor?(Required)What have you learned from your Mentor?(Required)What kind of things do you and your Mentor talk about?(Required)Have you ever felt uncomfortable at Teen Mentoring(Required) Yes No If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, please explain when and why you feel comfortable at Teen Mentoring.(Required)Have you ever spent time with your Mentor outside of the program?(Required) Yes No If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, please explain what you did with your Mentor outside of the program.(Required)What is something you would like to do with your Mentor before the end of the school year?(Required)NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn