Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel York.
With the help of incredible volunteers, BBBSPY has been providing children and youth with positive mentoring relationships throughout Peel and York Regions for over 50 years. We know that when young people are empowered to achieve their full potential, the entire community can thrive.
STEP 1: understanding your options
Please review our various Mentoring Programs to determine which program(s) you are most interested in participating in.
STEP 2: Understanding the process
The Mentor Application Process includes the steps below. Please know that you will have the full support of our Enrolment Team throughout this process.
- Completion of the online Mentor Application form (below)
- Providing 3–4 personal references (see the Mentor Application for details)
- Completing a live interview with a member of our team, who will assess how we can best utilize your strengths and skills in our mentoring programs
- Submitting a recent Vulnerable Sector Check (instructions and authorization letter will be provided)
- Participating in training sessions related to child safety and effective mentorship
If you have additional questions before making a decision, check out our FAQs.

Who are the Mentees?
Mentees in our programs are young people between 6 and 18 years old with unique interests and strengths. They reflect the incredible diversity of the regions we serve.
Am I guaranteed to be placed in the program(s) I select in my application?
Our Team always takes a volunteer’s preferences into account when placing them in a program. However, there are times when we may see a specific skill within a volunteer that leads us to recommend them for another program. Our goal is to have the most positive impact on as many young people as possible, so our program placements are made with that in mind.
If I’m matched in a One-to-One Mentoring Program, how is my Mentee selected for me?
Matches between Mentees and Mentors are based on a variety of variables; including similar interests, personality types, shared identity, lived experience, and location. We want to establish the strongest possible mentoring relationships and that includes making sure that you, as a volunteer Mentor, feel motivated and valued as well.
How long will I wait to be introduced to my Mentee or Mentees?
Our matching process is not first come first served. Therefore, it can be difficult to provide a definitive timeline. But there is one thing you can do to help speed up the process of finding the most suitable match – Help us get to know you! Actively engage in our training sessions, join us for agency events, and reach out to your Caseworker to keep them informed on changes in your life.
What will I do with my Mentee in a One-to-One Mentoring Program?
Mentors and Mentees meet weekly or bi-weekly for a minimum of one year. During this time, matches participate in a variety of activities. To reduce the financial barrier on both the family and the volunteer Mentor, BBBSPY encourages matches to find low to no cost activities. Some of the most common match activities include going for walks, doing arts and crafts, watching movies, baking, and playing sports.
The most important thing that takes place between you and your Mentee is the formation of a Developmental Relationship.
Developmental Relationships are close connections through which young people discover who they are, cultivate abilities to shape their own lives, and learn how to engage with and contribute to the world around them.
Never head of that before? Don’t worry, all BBBSPY Mentors are trained and coached to establish Developmental Relationships with their Mentees. In doing this, Mentors create meaningful connections with their Mentees that empower them to be their very best.
What will I do with my Mentees in a Group Mentoring Program?
That depends on the program you’re in.
For example, our Game On! and Go Girls! programs have a specialized curriculum that you would co-facilitate with another Mentor or two.
Whereas our other group-based programs may require you to be a little more creative in your approach. This might involve coming up with activities and discussions that directly relate to the needs and interests of the individuals in your program. But no need to panic, you will have an experienced Caseworker to help guide you through this.
What is the agency’s role?
BBBSPY Staff are with you from the very beginning. This includes taking you through our enrolment process, to matching you in a suitable program, and providing ongoing support to ensure you are fully equipped to take on the important role of Mentor.
Our Casework Staff conduct regular match monitoring calls with all Mentors, Mentees, and families, and provide practical strategies to make sure Mentees and Mentors are getting the most out of their experience with us.
STEP 4: Getting started
To apply to be a Mentor please click the button below and complete the Mentor Application form.
If you would prefer a hardcopy of this form or have any other questions about becoming a Mentor, please contact Info.PeelYork@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca